Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Veterans Peace Team is too dangerous for South Korea’s Jeju Island by Frida Berrigan

Graffiti on Jeju Island, via
These guys are no joke. Tarak Kauff was a paratrooper in U.S. Army. Elliott Adams was in the infantry as a paratrooper in Vietnam, Japan, Korea and Alaska. Mike Hastie was an Army medic in Vietnam. Now they are all members ofVeterans for Peace, and they just got kicked out of Jeju Island in South Korea.
The issue is no joke either. The United States and South Korea have teamed up to build a huge naval base on the beautiful, pristine island of Jeju — a bio-region so unique that UNESCO has identified nine different geological sites there as “Global Geoparks.” In the midst of this natural wonderland, the two military powerhouses want a deep-water harbor for the nuclear-armed Aegis destroyer and other ships that can menace China and protect Washington and Seoul’s strategic interests in the region.
As Tarak Kauff, one of the Vets, wrote in a reflection en route to Jeju last week: READ MORE

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