Looking a bit like an old Civil War Ironclad, the $7 billion DDG 1000 USS Zumwalt will focus on land attacks, relying heavily on its advanced stealth technology to slip in close to shore before unleashing its massive onboard arsenal.
Originally estimated to cost about $3.8 billion, the Zumwalt has so much technology crammed on board that its cost has nearly doubled, and after the first three are built, production will stop.
In addition the Zumwalt will be built to receive the Navy's new electromagnetic rail-gun that can fire projectiles at over five times the speed of sound
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/this-new-7-billion-warship-is-part-of-the-us-response-to-chinas-massive-military-buildup-2012-4?nr_email_referer=1&utm_source=Triggermail&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Business%20Insider%20Select&utm_campaign=Business%20Insider%20Select%202012-04-13#ixzz1rxNL9xDa